Cybersecurity x Safe Web Browsers

Emmanuelle Alexandre
1 min readMar 2, 2021

Web browsers (or internet browsers) are tools for accessing the internet. You’re using one right now to read this article! There’ve been countless web browsers that have come and gone over the years, but the need for solid security has become more and more of a requirement for users.

A safe and secure browser has “extra security measures that help prevent unauthorized third-party activity while surfing the web.” And browsers tend to have a “whitelist” which is a list of programs and/or activities that they allow. Consequently, they abort functions that are not on that list of approved programs and/or activities.

So what about my antivirus software?

Antivirus software kicks into gear after a threat has been detected, but a safe web browser prevents those actions or possibilities from happening in the first place. Cookies are windows for collecting private information and safe browsers prevent that from occurring. So a nice combination of both antivirus software, VPN, and a secure browser is the best proactive approach!

As you might imagine, there isn’t one perfect browser out there for everyone. But here are a few secure browsers that prioritize security:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Tor
  • Brave
  • Apple Safari
  • Opera

